@inproceedings{yum_comparative_2013, title = {A comparative study of gate first and last {Si} {MOSFETs} fabrication processes using {ALD} beryllium oxide as an interface passivation layer}, doi = {10.1109/VLSI-TSA.2013.6545611}, abstract = {Extending our previous study demonstrating that ALD-BeO hi-k on Si and III-V exhibits excellent electrical characteristics, we discuss the advantages of using BeO as the interface passivation layer (IPL) in silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (Si-MOSFETs) from the perspective of the gate-first and the gate-last process. By comparing three hi-k stacks, BeO/HfO2, Al2O3/HfO2, and SiO2/HfO2, fabricated using the gate first and gate last processes, we demonstrate that for both processes, BeO/HfO2 significantly outperforms the other stacks in terms of drive current, transconductance (Gm), subthreshold swing (SS), inversion capacitance, and mobility.}, booktitle = {2013 {International} {Symposium} on {VLSI} {Technology}, {Systems}, and {Applications} ({VLSI}-{TSA})}, author = {Yum, J.H. and Shin, H.S. and Mushinski, R.M. and Hudnall, T.W. and Oh, J. and Loh, W.Y. and Bielawski, C.W. and Bersuker, G. and Banerjee, S.K. and Wang, W.E. and Kirsch, P.D. and Jammy, R.}, month = apr, year = {2013}, keywords = {Al2O3-HfO2, ALD beryllium oxide, Aluminum oxide, annealing, atomic layer deposition, BeO-HfO2, beryllium compounds, Carrier mobility, drive current, electrical characteristics, gate-first process, gate-last process, hafnium compounds, III-V semiconductors, Interface passivation layer, inversion capacitance, IPL, Logic gates, mobility, MOSFET, MOSFET fabrication processes, Passivation, semiconductor device manufacture, Si, Silicon, silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors, silicon-MOSFET, subthreshold swing, Thermal stability, Transconductance}, pages = {1--2} }
@article{shin_low_2013, title = {Low interface defect density of atomic layer deposition {BeO} with self-cleaning reaction for {InGaAs} metal oxide semiconductor field effect transistors}, volume = {103}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/22/10.1063/1.4833815}, doi = {10.1063/1.4833815}, abstract = {In this paper, we discuss atomic configuration of atomic layer deposition (ALD) beryllium oxide (BeO) using the quantum chemistry to understand the theoretical origin. BeO has shorter bond length, higher reaction enthalpy, and larger bandgap energy compared with those of ALD aluminum oxide. It is shown that the excellent material properties of ALD BeO can reduce interface defect density due to the self-cleaning reaction and this contributes to the improvement of device performance of InGaAs MOSFETs. The low interface defect density and low leakage current of InGaAs MOSFET were demonstrated using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and the corresponding electrical results.}, number = {22}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Shin, H. S. and Yum, J. H. and Johnson, D. W. and Harris, H. R. and Hudnall, Todd W. and Oh, J. and Kirsch, P. and Wang, W.-E. and Bielawski, C. W. and Banerjee, S. K. and Lee, J. C. and Lee, H. D.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, keywords = {atomic layer deposition, III-V semiconductors, MOSFETs, Ozone, Reaction enthalphies}, pages = {223504} }
@article{saha_single_2013, title = {Single heterojunction solar cells on exfoliated flexible ∼25 μm thick mono-crystalline silicon substrates}, volume = {102}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/102/16/10.1063/1.4803174}, doi = {10.1063/1.4803174}, abstract = {Mono-crystalline silicon single heterojunction solar cells on flexible, ultra-thin (∼25 μm) substrates have been developed based on a kerf-less exfoliation method. Optical and electrical measurements demonstrate maintained structural integrity of these flexible substrates. Among several single heterojunction ∼25 μm thick solar cells fabricated with un-optimized processes, the highest open circuit voltage of 603 mV, short circuit current of 34.4 mA/cm2, and conversion efficiency of 14.9\% are achieved separately on three different cells. Preliminary reliability test results that include thermal shock and highly accelerated stress tests are also shown to demonstrate compatibility of this technology for use in photovoltaic modules.}, number = {16}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Saha, Sayan and Hilali, Mohamed M. and Onyegam, Emmanuel U. and Sarkar, Dabraj and Jawarani, Dharmesh and Rao, Rajesh A. and Mathew, Leo and Smith, Ryan S. and Xu, Dewei and Das, Ujjwal K. and Sopori, Bhushan and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = apr, year = {2013}, keywords = {Heterojunctions, Rough surfaces, Solar cells, Surface cleaning, Surface passivation}, pages = {163904} }
@inproceedings{saha_novel_2013, title = {A novel low-cost method for fabricating bifacial solar cells}, doi = {10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744929}, abstract = {In this work we propose and demonstrate a novel and cost-effective method to fabricate bifacial cells with conventional homojunction architecture. The method combines benefits of lithography-less, self-aligned patterning during deposition of antireflective coating (ARC) and simultaneous metallization of both surfaces aided by electroplating. We have fabricated a conventional diffused n+pp+ junction bifacial solar cell on a monocrystalline silicon (c-Si) substrate using this method. Electrochemically grown nickel is used to simultaneously form front and back electrodes. The bifacial solar cell fabricated with an un-optimized process has a front and rear efficiencies (under AM1.5G one sun illumination) of 12\% and 8.66\%, respectively. Part of the low performance of the cell is attributed to poor quality of the passivation layer and the post deposition annealing to reduce pinholes in deposited SiNx layer to prevent parasitic plating.}, booktitle = {Photovoltaic {Specialists} {Conference} ({PVSC}), 2013 {IEEE} 39th}, author = {Saha, S. and Rao, R.A. and Mathew, L. and Ainom, M. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {antireflection coatings, antireflective coating, bifacial, bifacial solar cells, conventional homojunction architecture, cost-effective method, electrochemically grown nickel, electrochemistry, electroplating, Furnaces, lithography, lithography-less, low-cost method, Nickel, non-photolithographic patterning, parasitic plating, Passivation, Photovoltaic cells, selective metallization, self-aligned patterning, Silicon, Solar cells}, pages = {2268--2271} }
@article{roy_micromagnetic_2013, title = {Micromagnetic study of spin-transfer-torque switching of a ferromagnetic cross towards multi-state spin-transfer-torque based random access memory}, volume = {113}, issn = {0021-8979, 1089-7550}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/113/22/10.1063/1.4811230}, doi = {10.1063/1.4811230}, abstract = {We study spin-transfer-torque (STT) switching of a cross-shaped ferromagnet with unequal branches as the free layer in a magnetic tunnel junction using micromagnetic simulations. The free layer in the magnetic tunnel junction is thus designed to have four stable energy states using shape anisotropy. Switching shows distinct regions with increasing current density. Stability of the states against thermal fluctuations is considered, and the validity of the results for different dimensions and material parameters of the free layer ferromagnet is investigated. The results could be useful for a multi-bit STT-based memory.}, number = {22}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, author = {Roy, Urmimala and Pramanik, Tanmoy and Tsoi, Maxim and Register, Leonard F. and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {Current density, Ferromagnetism, Magnetic anisotropy, Magnetic tunnel junctions, Thermal stability}, pages = {223904} }
@article{roy_two-dimensional_2013, title = {Two-dimensional weak anti-localization in {Bi}2Te3 thin film grown on {Si}(111)-(7 × 7) surface by molecular beam epitaxy}, volume = {102}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/102/16/10.1063/1.4803018}, doi = {10.1063/1.4803018}, abstract = {We report on low temperature transport studies of Bi2Te3 topological insulator thin films grown on Si(111)-(7 × 7) surface by molecular beam epitaxy. A sharp increase in the magnetoresistance with magnetic field at low temperature indicates the existence of weak anti-localization. The measured weak anti-localization effect agrees well with the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka model, and the extracted phase coherence length shows a power-law dependence with temperature indicating the existence of a two-dimensional system. An insulating ground state has also been observed at low temperature showing a logarithmic divergence of the resistance that appears to be the influence of electron-electron interaction in a two-dimensional system.}, number = {16}, urldate = {2016-02-11}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Roy, Anupam and Guchhait, Samaresh and Sonde, Sushant and Dey, Rik and Pramanik, Tanmoy and Rai, Amritesh and Movva, Hema C. P. and Colombo, Luigi and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = apr, year = {2013}, keywords = {Epitaxy, Magnetoresistance, Molecular beam epitaxy, Surface states, Thin film growth}, pages = {163118} }
@article{ramon_fast_2013, title = {Fast and slow transient charging in various {III}-{V} field-effect transistors with atomic-layer-deposited-{Al}2O3 gate dielectric}, volume = {102}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/102/2/10.1063/1.4776678}, doi = {10.1063/1.4776678}, abstract = {We report measurement of fast transient charging effects (FTCE) in enhancement-mode n-channel GaAs, InP, and In0.53Ga0.47As field-effect transistors (FETs) using Al2O3 as the gate dielectric. The FTCE data reveal superior drive current and enhanced threshold voltage stability for In0.53Ga0.47As FETs. We further report charge pumping measurements for In0.53Ga0.47As transistors, revealing that the majority of interface traps are donor traps, as well as an increased trap density within the Al2O3 bulk. Such data, together with FTCE data, reveal that drain current degradation observed during pulsed I-V measurements is predominantly due to slow oxide traps, underscoring their significance within III-V/high-κ metal-oxide-semiconductor FETs.}, number = {2}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Ramón, Michael E. and Akyol, Tarik and Shahrjerdi, Davood and Young, Chadwin D. and Cheng, Julian and Register, Leonard F. and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = jan, year = {2013}, keywords = {Charged currents, Dielectrics, III-V semiconductors, MOSFETs, Ozone}, pages = {022104} }
@article{park_reliability_2013, title = {Reliability study of methods to suppress boron transient enhanced diffusion in high-k/metal gate {Si}/{SiGe} channel {pMOSFETs}}, volume = {112}, issn = {0167-9317}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167931713004668}, doi = {10.1016/j.mee.2013.04.041}, abstract = {The effects of extension profile engineering to suppress boron transient enhanced diffusion (TED) are investigated in Si/SiGe channel metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET). In performance, Ge pre-amorphization implantation (PAI) samples exhibit low drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL) and a good Ion/Ioff ratio due to suppressed boron diffusion. In reliability, negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) degradation is reduced in Si/SiGe channel pMOSFETs, but hot carrier injection (HCI) degradation is worsened, especially in Ge PAI samples. The results suggest that HCI is an important factor in limiting device life time in Si/SiGe channel pMOSFETs.}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Microelectronic Engineering}, author = {Park, Min Sang and Kim, Yonghyun and Lee, Kyong Taek and Kang, Chang Yong and Min, Byoung-Gi and Oh, Jungwoo and Majhi, Prashant and Tseng, Hsing-Huang and Lee, Jack C. and Banerjee, Sanjay K. and Lee, Jeong-Soo and Jammy, Raj and Jeong, Yoon-Ha}, month = dec, year = {2013}, keywords = {Boron diffusion, HCI, NBTI, Pre-amorphization, Si/SiGe channel}, pages = {80--83} }
@article{onyegam_exfoliated_2013, title = {Exfoliated, thin, flexible germanium heterojunction solar cell with record {FF}=58.1\%}, volume = {111}, issn = {0927-0248}, url = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927024813000068}, doi = {10.1016/j.solmat.2013.01.002}, abstract = {A thin, flexible monocrystalline germanium (c-Ge) heterojunction solar cell has been developed based on a novel kerfless exfoliation process and remote plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD) of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H). The performance of the exfoliated 50 μm thick and bulk 500 μm Ge heterojunction cells is compared in this paper. A superior conversion efficiency of 5.28\% was achieved with the 50 μm exfoliated Ge cell versus 1.78\% for the bulk Ge cell, in agreement with simulation results. A record fill factor of 58.1\% for an a-Si:H/c-Ge heterojunction cell was obtained with the exfoliated cell. Moreover, the conversion efficiency achieved with the 50 μm exfoliated cell (without intrinsic a-Si:H passivation) is comparable to the best reported in literature with bulk Ge heterojunction cells and intrinsic a-S:H passivation.}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells}, author = {Onyegam, E. U. and Sarkar, D. and Hilali, M. and Saha, S. and Rao, R. A. and Mathew, L. and Jawarani, D. and Mantey, J. and Ainom, M. and Garcia, R. and James, W. and Banerjee, S. K.}, month = apr, year = {2013}, keywords = {amorphous silicon, Germanium, Heterojunction, Low cost, Solar cell, Thermophotovoltaic}, pages = {206--211} }
@inproceedings{onyegam_amorphous/crystalline_2013, title = {Amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells via {Remote} plasma chemical vapor deposition: {Influence} of hydrogen dilution, {RF} power, and sample {Z}-height position}, shorttitle = {Amorphous/crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells via {Remote} plasma chemical vapor deposition}, doi = {10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744373}, abstract = {Single heterojunction hydrogenated amorphous silicon/monocrystalline silicon (a-Si:H/c-Si) cells of varying hydrogen dilution ratios, RF power, and sample position with respect to the plasma discharge were fabricated using remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (RPCVD). Only p-type doped a-Si:H is investigated in this paper, without intrinsic a-Si:H (i-layer) passivation. It was found that a hydrogen dilution ratio, R ≤ 2 is necessary to minimize the degradation of the open-circuit voltage (VOC). Furthermore, a comparison of the RF power on device performance shows enhancements in cell performance, including approximately 20 mV improvement in VOC with 30 W vs. 60 W, which may be attributed to a reduction in ion-bombardment damage. Finally, it was found that a higher sample z-height position (away from plasma glow) yields improvements in JSC and VOC of 1.6 mA/cm2 and 9 mV, respectively at a low RF power of 7 W. These results suggest that the RPCVD is a potential technology to deliver low plasma damage and improved passivation for Si heterojunction solar cell.}, booktitle = {Photovoltaic {Specialists} {Conference} ({PVSC}), 2013 {IEEE} 39th}, author = {Onyegam, E.U. and James, W. and Rao, R. and Mathew, L. and Hilali, M. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {amorphous-crystalline silicon heterojunction solar cells, amorphous silicon, cell performance, device performance, Elemental semiconductors, Films, Heterojunctions, hydrogen dilution, hydrogen dilution ratio, ion-bombardment damage, open-circuit voltage degradation, Passivation, Photovoltaic cells, plasma CVD, plasma damage, plasma discharge, plasma glow, Plasmas, power 7 W, p-type doped a-Si:H, Radio frequency, remote plasma CVD, remote plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, RF power, RPCVD, sample position, sample Z-height position, Si, Silicon, silicon heterojunction solar cell passivation, single-heterojunction hydrogenated amorphous silicon/monocrystalline silicon, Solar cells, voltage 9 mV}, pages = {1272--1276} }
@inproceedings{mou_quantum_2013, title = {Quantum transport simulations on the feasibility of the bilayer pseudospin field effect transistor ({BiSFET})}, doi = {10.1109/IEDM.2013.6724563}, abstract = {The feasibility of ultra low-voltage switching in the proposed Bilayer PseudoSpin Field-Effect Transistor (BiSFET) “beyond CMOS” device concept is illustrated using quantum transport simulations. The BiSFET relies on possible room-temperature superfluid condensation in dielectrically separated graphene layers. Simulations illustrate resulting greatly enhanced interlayer tunneling, and critical voltages for switching between ON and OFF interlayer conductance states below the thermal voltage of 26 mV at 300 K. The BiSFET switching mechanism is also contrasted to the “drag-counterflow” biasing configuration with much higher switching voltages.}, booktitle = {Electron {Devices} {Meeting} ({IEDM}), 2013 {IEEE} {International}}, author = {Mou, Xuehao and Register, L.F. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = dec, year = {2013}, keywords = {bilayer pseudospin field effect transistor, BiSFET, condensation, Couplings, critical currents, critical voltages, dielectrically separated graphene layers, electron-hole recombination, Elementary particle exchange interactions, excitons, Field effect transistors, graphene, interlayer conductance states, interlayer tunneling, quantum transport simulations, Registers, room temperature superfluid condensation, Switches, temperature 300 K, Tunneling, tunnelling, ultra low voltage switching}, pages = {4.7.1--4.7.4} }
@inproceedings{mou_quantum_2013-1, title = {Quantum transport simulation of {Bilayer} {pseudoSpin} {Field}-{Effect} {Transistor} ({BiSFET}) with tight-binding hartree-fock model}, doi = {10.1109/SISPAD.2013.6650664}, abstract = {A simulation tool for modeling superfluid quantum transport in the proposed Bilayer Psuedo-spin Field Effect Transistor (BiSFET) and related systems is described and demonstrated. An interlayer Fock exchange interaction is incorporated into a π-orbital based atomistic tight-binding model of transport in two graphene layers separated by a tunnel barrier. Simulation results support and extend expectations based on bulk analysis such as superfluid condensate formation, enhanced interlayer tunneling and the sub-thermal voltage (sub-kBT/q) switching. Extension of this method to other quasi-two dimensional material systems should be possible as well.}, booktitle = {2013 {International} {Conference} on {Simulation} of {Semiconductor} {Processes} and {Devices} ({SISPAD})}, author = {Mou, Xuehao and Register, L.F. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = sep, year = {2013}, keywords = {atomic layer deposition, atomistic tight binding, atomistic tight-binding model, bilayer pseudospin field effect transistor, BiSFET, C, Couplings, Elementary particle exchange interactions, Field effect transistors, Fock exchange, graphene, graphene layers, HF calculations, interlayer Fock exchange interaction, interlayer tunneling, Photonic band gap, quantum transport, quantum transport simulation, semiconductor device models, subthermal voltage switching, superfluid condensate, superfluid condensate formation, superfluidity, superfluid quantum transport, Switches, tight-binding calculations, tight binding Hartree-Fock model, tunnel barrier, Tunneling, tunnelling}, pages = {420--423} }
@article{mantey_ultra-smooth_2013, title = {Ultra-smooth epitaxial {Ge} grown on {Si}(001) utilizing a thin {C}-doped {Ge} buffer layer}, volume = {102}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/102/19/10.1063/1.4807500}, doi = {10.1063/1.4807500}, abstract = {Here, we present work on epitaxial Ge films grown on a thin buffer layer of C doped Ge (Ge:C). The growth rate of Ge:C is found to slow over time and is thus unsuitable for thick (\>20 nm) layers. We demonstrate Ge films from 10 nm to \>150 nm are possible by growing pure Ge on a thin Ge:C buffer. It is shown that this stack yields exceedingly low roughness levels (comparable to bulk Si wafers) and contains fewer defects and higher Hall mobility compared to traditional heteroepitaxial Ge. The addition of C at the interface helps reduce strain by its smaller atomic radius and its ability to pin defects within the thin buffer layer that do not thread to the top Ge layer.}, number = {19}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Mantey, J. and Hsu, W. and James, J. and Onyegam, E. U. and Guchhait, S. and Banerjee, S. K.}, month = may, year = {2013}, keywords = {Buffer layers, Elemental semiconductors, Epitaxy, Germanium, thin films}, pages = {192111} }
@inproceedings{kim_sub-100_2013, title = {Sub-100 nm {InGaAs} quantum-well ({QW}) tri-gate {MOSFETs} with {Al}2O3/{HfO}2 ({EOT} \#x003C; 1 nm) for low-power logic applications}, doi = {10.1109/IEDM.2013.6724641}, abstract = {This paper reports tri-gate sub-100 nm In0.53Ga0.47As QW MOSFETs with electrostatic immunity of S = 77 mV/dec., DIBL = 10 mV/V, together with excellent carrier transport of gm, max {\textgreater} 1.5 mS/μm, at VDS = 0.5 V. This result is the best balance of gm, max and S in any reported III-V MOSFETs. In addition, extracted compact model parameter including (μ0 = 760 cm2/V-s and peak vx0 = 1.6×107 cm/s) indicate that InGaAs Tri-Gate MOSFETs would be a viable pathway to sub-10nm technology node.}, booktitle = {Electron {Devices} {Meeting} ({IEDM}), 2013 {IEEE} {International}}, author = {Kim, T.-W. and Kim, D.-H. and Koh, D.H. and Kwon, H.M. and Baek, R.H. and Veksler, D. and Huffman, C. and Matthews, K. and Oktyabrsky, S. and Greene, A. and Ohsawa, Y. and Ko, A. and Nakajima, H. and Takahashi, M. and Nishizuka, T. and Ohtake, H. and Banerjee, S.K. and Shin, S.H. and Ko, D.-H. and Kang, C. and Gilmer, D. and Hill, R.J.W. and Maszara, W. and Hobbs, C. and Kirsch, P.D.}, month = dec, year = {2013}, keywords = {Al2O3-HfO2, aluminium compounds, carrier transport, compact model parameter, electrostatic immunity, Electrostatics, gallium arsenide, hafnium compounds, Hafnium oxide, High K dielectric materials, III-V MOSFET, III-V semiconductors, In0.53Ga0.47As, indium compounds, Indium gallium arsenide, InGaAs quantum-well, Logic gates, low-power electronics, low-power logic applications, MOSFET, QW MOSFET, Semiconductor device modeling, semiconductor device models, semiconductor quantum wells, size 100 nm, tri-gate MOSFET}, pages = {16.3.1--16.3.4} }
@article{khalil_evidence_2013, title = {Evidence for hydrogen two-level systems in atomic layer deposition oxides}, volume = {103}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/16/10.1063/1.4826253}, doi = {10.1063/1.4826253}, abstract = {Two-level system (TLS) defects in dielectrics are known to limit the performance of electronic devices. We study TLS using millikelvin microwave (6.4 GHz) loss measurements of three atomic layer deposited (ALD) oxide films–crystalline BeO (c-BeO), amorphous Al2O3 (a–Al2O3), and amorphous LaAlO3 (a–LaAlO3)–and interpret them with room temperature characterization measurements. We find that the bulk loss tangent in the crystalline film is 6 times higher than in the amorphous films. In addition, its power saturation agrees with an amorphous distribution of TLS. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) impurity analysis of the c-BeO film showed excess surface carbon (C) impurities and a uniform hydrogen (H) impurity distribution, which coupled with the analysis of loss tangent strongly suggests H limited loss. Impurity analysis of the amorphous films reveals that they have excess H impurities at the ambient-exposed surface, and we extract the associated H-based surface loss tangent. We compare two a–Al2O3 films with drastically different C impurity concentrations and similar H impurity concentrations and conclude that H rather than C is the likely source of loss in the amorphous films and we find the loss per H concentration in a–Al2O3 to be K H = 3 × 10 − 24 cm 3 .}, number = {16}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Khalil, M. S. and Stoutimore, M. J. A. and Gladchenko, S. and Holder, A. M. and Musgrave, C. B. and Kozen, A. C. and Rubloff, G. and Liu, Y. Q. and Gordon, R. G. and Yum, J. H. and Banerjee, S. K. and Lobb, C. J. and Osborn, K. D.}, month = oct, year = {2013}, keywords = {atomic layer deposition, Dielectrics, Dielectric thin films, Ozone, thin films}, pages = {162601} }
@article{johnson_characterization_2013, title = {Characterization of {ALD} {Beryllium} {Oxide} as a {Potential} {High}-k {Gate} {Dielectric} for {Low}-{Leakage} {AlGaN}/{GaN} {MOSHEMTs}}, volume = {43}, issn = {0361-5235, 1543-186X}, url = {http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11664-013-2754-1}, doi = {10.1007/s11664-013-2754-1}, abstract = {The chemical and electrical characteristics of atomic layer deposited (ALD) beryllium oxide (BeO) on GaN were studied via x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, current–voltage, and capacitance–voltage measurements and compared with those of ALD Al2O3 and HfO2 on GaN. Radiofrequency (RF) and power electronics based on AlGaN/GaN high-electron-mobility transistors are maturing rapidly, but leakage current reduction and interface defect (D it) minimization remain heavily researched. BeO has received recent attention as a high-k gate dielectric due to its large band gap (10.6 eV) and thermal stability on InGaAs and Si, but little is known about its performance on GaN. Unintentionally doped GaN was cleaned in dilute aqueous HCl immediately prior to BeO deposition (using diethylberyllium and H2O precursors). Formation of an interfacial layer was observed in as-deposited samples, similar to the layer formed during ALD HfO2 deposition on GaN. Postdeposition anneal (PDA) at 700°C and 900°C had little effect on the observed BeO binding state, confirming the strength of the bond, but led to increased Ga oxide formation, indicating the presence of unincorporated oxygen in the dielectric. Despite the interfacial layer, gate leakage current of 1.1 × 10−7 A/cm2 was realized, confirming the potential of ALD BeO for use in low-leakage AlGaN/GaN metal–oxide–semiconductor high-electron-mobility transistors.}, language = {en}, number = {1}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Journal of Elec Materi}, author = {Johnson, Derek W. and Yum, Jung Hwan and Hudnall, Todd W. and Mushinski, Ryan M. and Bielawski, Christopher W. and Roberts, John C. and Wang, Wei-E. and Banerjee, Sanjay K. and Harris, H. Rusty}, month = sep, year = {2013}, keywords = {BeO, Characterization and Evaluation of Materials, Electronics and Microelectronics, Instrumentation, GaN, gate leakage, high-k dielectric, MOS, Optical and Electronic Materials, Solid State Physics}, pages = {151--154} }
@article{jadaun_topological_2013, title = {Topological classification of crystalline insulators with space group symmetry}, volume = {88}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.085110}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.88.085110}, abstract = {We show that in crystalline insulators, space group symmetry alone gives rise to a topological classification based on the discretization of electric polarization. Using C3 rotational symmetry as an example, we first prove that the polarization is discretized into three distinct classes, i.e., it can only take three inequivalent values. We then prove that these classes are topologically distinct. Therefore, a Z3 topological classification exists, with polarization as a topological class index. A concrete tight-binding model is derived to demonstrate the Z3 topological phase transition. Using first-principles calculations, we identify graphene on a BN substrate as a possible candidate to realize these Z3 topological states. To complete our analysis, we extend the classification of band structures to all 17 two-dimensional space groups. This work will contribute to a complete theory of symmetry-conserved topological phases and also elucidate topological properties of graphenelike systems.}, number = {8}, urldate = {2016-02-11}, journal = {Phys. Rev. B}, author = {Jadaun, Priyamvada and Xiao, Di and Niu, Qian and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = aug, year = {2013}, pages = {085110} }
@article{jadaun_theory_2013, title = {Theory and synthesis of bilayer graphene intercalated with {ICl} and {IBr} for low power device applications}, volume = {114}, issn = {0021-8979, 1089-7550}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jap/114/6/10.1063/1.4817498}, doi = {10.1063/1.4817498}, abstract = {Graphene intercalation materials are potentially promising for the implementation of the ultra-low power, excitonic-condensate-based Bilayer pseudoSpin Field-Effect Transistor (BiSFETs) concept, as well as other novel device concepts requiring a graphene interlayer dielectric. Using density functional theory, we study the structural and electronic properties of bilayer graphene intercalated with iodine monochloride (ICl) and iodine monobromide (IBr). We determine the structural configuration of ICl and IBr graphene intercalation compounds (GICs). We also conduct an in-depth exploration of inter-layer electronic coupling, using ab initio calculations. The presence of intercalants dopes the graphene layer. It also reduces, but does not eliminate, the electronic coupling between graphene layers, which may enable BiSFET operation. In addition, we present experimental results for ICl-GIC synthesis and characterization.}, number = {6}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Journal of Applied Physics}, author = {Jadaun, Priyamvada and Movva, Hema C. P. and Register, Leonard F. and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = aug, year = {2013}, keywords = {Density functional theory, graphene, Graphite, Intercalation compounds, Lattice constants}, pages = {063702} }
@article{hsu_strained-si/strained-ge_2013, title = {Strained-{Si}/strained-{Ge} type-{II} staggered heterojunction gate-normal-tunneling field-effect transistor}, volume = {103}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/9/10.1063/1.4819458}, doi = {10.1063/1.4819458}, abstract = {A SiGe-based n-channel tunnel field-effect transistor design employing a strained-Si/strained-Ge staggered-gap heterojunction with a small effective band-gap (122 meV) at the interface is investigated via numerical simulations using a semi-classical quantum correction obtained from the density-gradient model. A gate-normal tunneling geometry is used to increase tunneling area and reduce subthreshold swing. The strain leads to degeneracy breaking among the silicon conduction band valleys, reducing the density of states and associated quantum capacitance with better gate-to-tunnel barrier coupling. Performance evaluation using a figure-of-merit “I 60,” where the drain current corresponds to a subthreshold slope of 60 mV/decade, suggests that the device has the potential to be competitive with modern metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors.}, number = {9}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Hsu, William and Mantey, Jason and Register, Leonard F. and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = aug, year = {2013}, keywords = {Band gap, Doping, Germanium, Heterojunctions, Tunneling}, pages = {093501} }
@article{guchhait_magnetic_2013, title = {Magnetic ordering of implanted {Mn} in {HOPG} substrates}, volume = {88}, url = {http://link.aps.org/doi/10.1103/PhysRevB.88.174425}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevB.88.174425}, abstract = {Currently, significant research efforts are geared towards using carbon-based materials for electronic applications. Here we report the observation of magnetic ordering of implanted Mn in HOPG substrates. Superconducting quantum interference device measurements show higher moments for Mn-doped samples and also the existence of double and inverted hysteresis in both undoped and doped samples. High-resolution transmission electron microscopy shows the presence of nanocrystals in implanted samples. Grazing incidence synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies show the presence of three stable manganese carbides, including antiferromagnetic Mn23C6. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements show ferromagnetic ordering of Mn moments at temperatures below ∼100 K. However, a very weak XMCD signal indicates that only about 1\% of Mn atoms are ferromagnetically ordered. We conclude that the observed Mn ferromagnetic ordering is caused by uncompensated Mn moments on the surface of antiferromagnetic Mn23C6 nanocrystals that are aligned by the local magnetic field.}, number = {17}, urldate = {2016-02-16}, journal = {Phys. Rev. B}, author = {Guchhait, Samaresh and Ohldag, Hendrik and Arenholz, Elke and Ferrer, Domingo A. and Mehta, Apurva and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, pages = {174425} }
@inproceedings{chang_full-band_2013, title = {Full-band quantum transport simulations of monolayer {MoS}2 transistors: {Possibility} of negative differential resistance}, shorttitle = {Full-band quantum transport simulations of monolayer {MoS}2 transistors}, doi = {10.1109/DRC.2013.6633800}, abstract = {We study the transport properties of deeply scaled monolayer MoS2 n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) using full-band ballistic non-equilibrium Green's function simulations with an atomistic tight-binding Hamiltonian obtained from density functional theory (DFT).}, booktitle = {Device {Research} {Conference} ({DRC}), 2013 71st {Annual}}, author = {Chang, Jiwon and Register, L.F. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = jun, year = {2013}, keywords = {atomistic tight-binding Hamiltonian, Density functional theory, Discrete Fourier transforms, Electric potential, full-band ballistic non-equilibrium Green's function simulations, full-band quantum transport simulations, hafnium compounds, Logic gates, molybdenum compounds, monolayer transistors, MoS2, MOSFET, n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors, Negative differential resistance, Scattering, transport properties}, pages = {75--76} }
@inproceedings{chang_comparison_2013, title = {Comparison of ballistic transport characteristics of monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides ({TMDs}) {MX}2 ({M} \#x003D; {Mo}, {W}; {X} \#x003D; {S}, {Se}, {Te}) n-{MOSFETs}}, doi = {10.1109/SISPAD.2013.6650661}, abstract = {We study the transport properties of monolayer transition metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs) MX2 (M = Mo, W; X = S, Se, Te) n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs) using an atomistic tight-binding full-band ballistic quantum transport simulations, with hopping potentials obtained from density functional theory. We discuss the subthreshold slope (SS), drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL), as well as gate-induced drain leakage (GIDL) for different monolayer MX2 MOSFETs. We also report the possibility of negative differential resistance to the extent quasi-ballistic transport exists in such nanostructure TMD MOSFETs.}, booktitle = {2013 {International} {Conference} on {Simulation} of {Semiconductor} {Processes} and {Devices} ({SISPAD})}, author = {Chang, Jiwon and Register, L.F. and Banerjee, S.K.}, month = sep, year = {2013}, keywords = {atomic layer deposition, atomistic, atomistic tight binding full band ballistic quantum transport, ballistic transport, Density functional theory, DIBL, dielectric constant, drain-induced barrier lowering, gate-induced drain leakage, Logic gates, Metals, molybdenum compounds, Monolayers, monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides, MoS2, MoSe2, MOSFET, MOSFET circuits, MoTe2, n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors, Negative differential resistance, Photonic band gap, quantum transport, semiconductor device models, subthreshold slope, TMD, transiton metal dichalcogenides, tungsten compounds, WS2, WSe2, WTe2}, pages = {408--411} }
@article{chang_atomistic_2013, title = {Atomistic full-band simulations of monolayer {MoS}2 transistors}, volume = {103}, issn = {0003-6951, 1077-3118}, url = {http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/apl/103/22/10.1063/1.4837455}, doi = {10.1063/1.4837455}, abstract = {We study the transport properties of deeply scaled monolayer MoS2 n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs), using full-band ballistic quantum transport simulations, with an atomistic tight-binding Hamiltonian obtained from density functional theory. Our simulations suggest that monolayer MoS2 MOSFETs can provide near-ideal subthreshold slope, suppression of drain-induced barrier lowering, and gate-induced drain leakage. However, these full-band simulations exhibit limited transconductance. These ballistic simulations also exhibit negative differential resistance (NDR) in the output characteristics associated with the narrow width in energy of the lowest conduction band, but this NDR may be substantially reduced or eliminated by scattering in MoS2.}, number = {22}, urldate = {2016-02-12}, journal = {Applied Physics Letters}, author = {Chang, Jiwon and Register, Leonard F. and Banerjee, Sanjay K.}, month = nov, year = {2013}, keywords = {Band structure, Density functional theory, Monolayers, MOSFETs, Negative resistance}, pages = {223509} }
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